I Agree With Doug

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Image hosted by Photobucket.comWhy does Trevor agree with Doug?

I guess you could say I was stuck in the routine of three traditional styles of meals per day. For breakfast I would have eggs and bacon or maybe a bowl of cereal. I mean sure some times I would switch it up and have a bagel or a muffin but not very often. For lunch I was a sandwich guy. The usual was grilled cheese with tomato soup. Sometimes I would have mac and cheese and sometimes if I was in a crazy mood I would microwave some left over lasagna. Supper is the one meal I got really crazy with. Stir-fries, shake and bake, stew, you name it I ate it.

My life changed one morning after we had a wild party at my house. It was a crazy night, Pepsi cans were everywhere, I still had the taste of bad cheezies in my mouth. I decided to make some breakfast and to my surprise there were no eggs left. It seems the night before some of the guys at the party decided to do an impromptu science experiment with my eggs, some dowels, elastic bands and the second story window. As I was looking for some cereal or even some bread to make toast I saw a slice of pizza left over from the party.

What was I to do? It was 10am, can I eat it. I remembered a guy named Doug, a person who some call a leader, a light in our confusing world. I heard he once said something about eating pizza for every meal. I quickly looked in the good book (the white pages) and found his number.

I guess you could say I was shocked that he was actually willing to talk to me. We got through the small talk and he could sense something was wrong, so I told him the situation. He proceeded to tell me the two major points to his philosophy, the second being, pizza is an excellent meal any time of the day. He talked me through it and I ate that slice while I was still on the phone with him. I ate it cold right out of the box that had been sitting there since the night before.

I’m not saying I eat pizza for every meal of everyday, I’m only human I make mistakes, but the truth is I’m making changes.

And believe it or not I’m making plans right now to fulfill his first philosophy of over throwing the capitalist system. Because as everyone’s favorite Swedish band once, Capitalism is indeed organized crime and we are all the victims.


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